Be Brave Campaign

Greetings everyone. Few days back, I have received an email about Be Brave Campaign from A.Menarini (Malaysia) that really interesting and I found out it is really useful for everyone.

Before that, have you heard about A.Menarini (Malaysia)? Lets talk a bit information about A.Menarini (Malaysia). A.Menarini an international biopharmaceutical company. Biopharmaceutical is also known as the biological medical product. A.Menarini (Malaysia) has recently launched the Be Brave campaign. This campaign purpose is to educate and also inspire men with premature ejaculation (PE) to speak up about their health condition and provoke women to advocate for their partners.

Be Brave Campaign
Be Brave Campaign

So what is PE? This bedroom issue happens when a man has lack of control over ejaculation such that it happens sooner than a man or his partner would want, and causing distress for either one of them. Not a big issue you think? It is said that coping with this condition is emotional and physical for both men and women. And we all thought it’s a man’s problem alone.

Believe it or not, PE can cause anxiety between the couple, which can sometimes lead to separation.

So to spread this campaign - Be Brave to everyone, Facebook page has been created. As we know that, most of the people will have a Facebook account. There will be online quiz that encourage everyone to participate. The online quiz is about Which Inner Hero Are You? Sound interesting? Don't forget to have a try too. 

This online quiz is designed to discover which inner hero matches your partner’s personalities for the ladies, while for men is to discover their own inner hero. Here is some of the screenshot that I took during the online quiz.

Be Brave campaign-Which Inner Hero Are you?
The main page of the online quiz - Which Inner Hero Are you?
This theme is quite attracting me too. At this homepage- Which Inner Hero Are You, there will be 2 different types of question for men and woman. For me, of course I have choose the male quiz because as you all know I'm a guy.

Be Brave campaign-Which Inner Hero Are you?
One of the question that asked for the male quiz for Which Inner Hero Are You?

I found out that the first question is really intriguing and funny too. This question is asking where would you rather live? It seem there will be a lot of funny answer that you able have to choose as above picture. The answer that given is quite tricky and this make me feel more and more careful when I answering the question.

Be Brave campaign-Which Inner Hero Are you?
One of the question that asked for the male quiz for Which Inner Hero Are You?
Here is the one of the question that I have screenshot during the quiz. For this question, they asked " Which Meal Would Leave You Most Satisfied? " For this question, I have choose having different cuisines everyday. This is because for me, food is paradise. It will make me feel annoying and not have the appetite to get the same food everyday.

After I done all the question, time to see what hero has I been chosen to be and screenshot has been taken too.

Be Brave campaign-Which Inner Hero Are you?
The Hero that I has been chosen

I have been chosen as the Brave Machine. In the description, I feel that this hero has matches my personalities. And of course, I hope that my partner will get the exactly the same hero when she took the female quiz.

As you can also see from the all of my screenshot of the on the right-hand top there is the website You able to get information about premature ejaculation and ways to overcome the health condition. Not only that, you can find a lot of interesting information and debunking myths regarding premature ejaculation.

Be Brave Campaign
Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool

To maintain a healthy, satisfying relationship with your partner, better to check if PE is something you have, by using the PE diagnostic tool in the website. Remember, PE can happen at any point in time after you’ve reached maturity.

I think that you guys that are reading this post should try to answer those quiz. You able to get all the information that I will provided at the below link.

BeBrave Homepage :
BeBrave Facebook Page :
Health Condition about PE :